If you are looking for bass fishing in the Greenbrier River, cat fishing in New River or trout fishing in Anthony Creek, I can help. If your interest is in mountain or forest land around the Monongahela National Forest or Snowshoe Mountain Resort ski area of Cheat Mountain, or if you are relocating to our area, I have small lots to large thousand plus acre parcels available. One room camps to million dollar plus homes. Several commercial and investment properties are available. I also have several properties that the sellers do not want to be advertised listings. Whatever your needs and interest are, deer, bear or turkey hunting, fishing, rafting, hiking, skiing, canoeing, exploring our numerous caves, birding, golfing, biking, I can help. If you are looking for real estate for sale in the towns of Union, Ronceverte, Rupert, Rainelle, Lewisburg, White Sulphur Springs, Frankford, Droop Mountain, Hillsboro, Mill Point, Marlinton, Huntersville, Frost, Green Bank, Arbovale, Durbin, Cass, Snowshoe, Boyer, Bartow, Dunmore, or Slatyfork please contact me.